Hi There, I'm Rod Bourn

I am an American speaker, entrepreneur, and founder of Down Set Lead!

If you to want improve yourself or your organization, learn to network, and get fresh ideas, you’ve come to the right place.

My team and I invite you to explore our website. You will find interesting insights, videos of our work, and hopefully, you will be inspired to improve yourself and your organization.

Rod bourn photo

What We Do & How We Do It

We can help grow both the future of your employees and your business, as well as growing you and your future. We do this by providing impactful, interactive, and FUN training.

Why include FUN?

Because we believe that if you enjoy the learning experience itself, you are far more likely to be inspired and successful, in both your work- and home life.

We benefit both businesses and non-profit organizations by…

  • Building strategic plans for your organization
  • Supporting the implementation of these strategic plans
  • Facilitating mentoring programs
  • Presenting keynote addresses at your events
  • Training specifically targeted topics with an eye on increasing your Return on Investment (ROI)

Who We Are

Collectively, we are a diverse group of talented professionals who truly enjoy our work. Our passion is making people and organizations better through strategic growth initiatives, training, mentoring, and coaching.

Our clients’ successes are a testament to our ability to quickly connect and understand their needs and put plans into action.

We believe in using the power of diversity, mentoring, vision, and creativity to achieve a greater good.

This focus comes from a question I came across years ago that still fascinates me.

Compared to 99 other people your age taken at random, how successful are you?

The answer is complicated.

Why is it complicated? To answer it, you must first personally define success and this holds true for organizations just as it does for individual people. From there, you need to set benchmarks based on what’s important to you, and question how to improve yourself and the world around you.

You Are Invited

If you are interested in joining the journey to continually improve your organization, yourself, and maybe even the world (and have fun doing it), then please contact us today.